Saturday, August 9, 2008

Day 2 - The 2008 GBGG

It's officially Day 2 here at the 2008 Genea-blogger Group Games.

Today's events include:

Category: Write, Write, Write

A. Write a summary of what your blog is about and post it on your blog – you may not have done this since you started the blog and it is a great way to have new readers learn more about your site.

My blog is about genealogy in general and my personal ancestry in particular . People who know me know that I am a genealogy junkie. I have been addicted to this wonderful hobby for over ten years now and I was hooked from day one.
By posting articles about my family history on a blog, I am hoping to leave something for my kids and my cousins kids and one day all of their kids to learn about our ancestors.

Lecturing at genealogy conferences and workshops is another favourite thing I enjoy. I feel that writing posts for my blog is almost like a mini workshop. Besides blogging about my ancestors, I also want to share information about genealogy in general - methodology, Canadian research, family history information on the Internet, and more.

I usually try to post articles at least once a week, if not more.

Well, I guess that about sums up what my blog is about.

Medal Level: Bronze

Category: Reach Out & Perform Genealogical Acts of Kindness!

A. Comment on a new (to you) genea-blog.
B. Join another genea-blogger’s blog network on Facebook Blog Networks (

These two events I think actually go together, hand-in-hand. I received an invitation to join Elyse's Genealogy Blog Network. Before I decide to join a network or invite someone to be a friend on facebook, I check out their blog and their blog network page.

Elyse's Genealogy Blog is new to me. I have spent some time today checking out her blog, her blog network and her YouTube page. Before I received the above mentioned invite, I had not heard of Elyse. It appears she is quite new to the blogging scene, although she has been busy on YouTube for the last couple of years, posting videos about how to do family history.

Elyse is a college student who happens to like genealogy a lot. In fact, she admits she's addicted. The purpose of her blog is to help people learn how to research their ancestors. If you are new to genealogy, Elyse's blog is there to help you get started. And for those of us who are seasoned researchers, visiting Elyse's blog provides a refresher on those long ago learned methodology lessons.

You can find Elyse's Genealogy Blog
Her blog network on facebook can be found
And you can check out her videos on YouTube

I hope you will spend some time checking out what Elyse has to offer the genealogy world. I have joined her blog network, added her as a friend on fb and have added her to my blog roll. Keep up the good work, Elyse!

Medal Level: Silver

Total Medals: 1 Silver, 1 Bronze